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All translations - Gianni

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Results 1 - 12 of about 12
Source language
English Mama when she'd ride that horse Buried out in...
Mama when she'd ride that horse Buried out in Wilson fields Mama'd tell me all she thought Mama'd tell me all how riding feels

And I thought Not yet.

Then when mama got too old No one ever rode that horse Until one night I stole her key And I did ride it all night 'till dawn

When I thought Not yet.

It looks an ugly world out there Of girl-guides and disease and war I love my little velvet bed I never want to leave it anymore

Completed translations
Italian Mamma a cavallo
Source language
French Suite à votre demande, nous vous transmettons vos...
Suite à votre demande, nous vous transmettons vos paramètres de connexion à notre site
c'est le message que nous envoyons lorsque quelqu'un clique sur le lien "mot de passe oublié ?"

Completed translations
English Connection parameters
Source language
English immediately you obtain the registration...

..then you forward us the copy which we will submit to our bank with your proforma invoice for the proceedment of you 100%T/T in advance wire transfer through any of our chosen bank above.

we are able to open and establishe our branch office in Congo in the year 2002 while REPUBLIC OF BENIN wich is our head office,of which right now, *********HOLDINGS is now exisiting also in Congo

Completed translations
Italian Ufficio in Africa
Source language
Latin apud rivos aestiva hora indulget sommo fessus...
apud rivos aestiva hora indulget sommo fessus agricola, ubi ripas tenerae herbae tegunt. diligenter agricola agros duro aratro scindit, poma matura colligit cum filio.

Completed translations
Italian Il contadino
Source language
Latin Romulus et Remus deliberant totam Albanorum et...
Romulus et Remus deliberant totam Albanorum et Latinorum turbam congregare et oppidum concedere.Alter saxa nemorosi Palatii occupat,alter Aventinum.Remus sex aves sed Romulus duplum numerum videt:itaque solus Romulus sacro auspicio imperium oppidi habet.Romulus aratrum trahit alba vacca et niveo tauro,oppidi murum ita sulco designat.Deos piis verbis vocat:"Dii deaeque benigni este!Oppidum Romam appello:diuturnam potentiam Romae praebete!

Completed translations
Italian Romolo e Remo
Hebrew רומולו ורמו
Source language
English the metal band
The band has previously unveiled new songs prior to their release: Four songs from Ride the Lightning ("Fight Fire with Fire", "Ride The Lightning", "Creeping Death", and "The Call of Ktulu") were performed before the release of the album; Master of Puppets' "Disposable Heroes" was debuted in September of 1985; ..

Completed translations
Italian il gruppo metal
Source language
Latin hannibal castra posuerat in montibus propinquis...
hannibal castra posuerat in montibus propinquis urbi

Completed translations
Italian Annibale
Source language
Latin syracusas Athenienses venient urbem oppugnabunt...
syracusas Athenienses venient urbem oppugnabunt diripientque

Completed translations
Italian Ateniesi a Siracusa
Source language
Latin Hannibal cum ingenti exercitu Alpes transiit...
Hannibal cum ingenti exercitu Alpes transiit Romam oppugnaturus.
Caesar dum bellum contra Parthos suscepturus est,in Senatu necatus est a coniuratis
Potreban mi je sto precizniji prevod iako je tekst poduzi.Zaista mi treba sto hitnije.


Completed translations
English Hannibal & Caesar
Serbian Hanibal je presao Alpe sa svojom brojnom vojskom....
Croatian Hanibal je presao Alpe sa svojom brojnom vojskom....